Friday, September 10, 2010

Top 6 Menu Items From New York Gift Show

In case you missed our booth at the New York Gift Show, here is a line-up of the most popular new items featured.

Aerate wine in minutes...Menu Winebreather

This elegantly designed carafe aerates your wine in one easy step.
A brilliant kitchen tool...Ovenproof Steam Tower

The porcelain bowls can be stacked in the oven, enabling the preparation of several dishes at one - it's already won the prestigious Formland Design Award this fall!

A smaller version of the award-winning Craving and Serving Set...Norm Complete Tray Set
An elegant tray, a bamboo cutting board, a white porcelain dish, and a cooling pad make it possible to arrange and serve everything from a succulent roast beef to a fresh shell fish platter.

Cool Bowl...or coolest bowl?...New Norm Cool Bowl
The New Norm Cool Bowl is ideal for serving crisp salads, fresh seafood, desserts, and other delicacies.Stylish...Functional...Menu Tripod Set
Ideal for storage and individual dispensing of spices adding extra taste and goodness to your meals.Designer tableware for kids...Black Contour Kid's Set
Featuring Pernille Vea's playful black line that adds life to a snail, a crocodile, and a cat that children will love