Aerate wine in minutes...Menu Winebreather
This elegantly designed carafe aerates your wine in one easy step.
A brilliant kitchen tool...Ovenproof Steam TowerThe porcelain bowls can be stacked in the oven, enabling the preparation of several dishes at one - it's already won the prestigious Formland Design Award this fall!
A smaller version of the award-winning Craving and Serving Set...Norm Complete Tray Set
An elegant tray, a bamboo cutting board, a white porcelain dish, and a cooling pad make it possible to arrange and serve everything from a succulent roast beef to a fresh shell fish platter.
Cool Bowl...or coolest bowl?...New Norm Cool Bowl
The New Norm Cool Bowl is ideal for serving crisp salads, fresh seafood, desserts, and other delicacies.Stylish...Functional...Menu Tripod Set