Below are the 5 new GENSEproducts which received the best reception at the New York Gift Show in August 2009:
AMUZE Tapas, Cheese and Corn Holder Sets Designer Mattias Mikaelsson created this Amuze line to add attitude and playfulness to your next hour of hors d'oeuvres. Now you can serve your finger foods with flair and fun!

AMUZE Tapas, Cheese and Corn Holder Sets Designer Mattias Mikaelsson created this Amuze line to add attitude and playfulness to your next hour of hors d'oeuvres. Now you can serve your finger foods with flair and fun!

Focus deLuxe Listed by the “New York Times” as one of the
“100 best designed products in modern time,” this particular set of silverware has a stylish, retro-classic look that has made it one of the most popular selling sets of the Gense collection. The sleek black finish of the Acetal plastic coated handle, paired with the matte stainless steel finish will add a touch of modern excellence to your next meal time!

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